yes. i am. hiding. they are asleep, which means my time is limited and the sleep is a useful but dangerous tool. It is a naptime sleep, probably means that the night is shot all to hell. Too much sleep is evidently evil, as I have been shown by my three year old lately. So is 'not enough'.
We watched Star Wars for the first time with him last night. WHat a riot! I think he bounced for the entire duration, so excited to see fighting, bounty hunters, the guy with the black helmet, and LUKE. who knew a young boy would love LUKE?! why , when clearly Han is the man? or Chewbacca?! the wookie-man... really?! but- love of the story aside, he developed a fear of the dark at about 3 :30 this morning and I attribut it to Lucas films. Do you think i could sue? rah.
There is no amount of money worth the sleep I have lost. .. . . . none.
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
18 hours ago
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