Okay, I'd like to see Michelle Obama, please. I like her, want her to be my friend. And I'd like to know how she is going to fight childhood obesity in my neighborhood. really. I want her to come and give us a talking to... with those very fine arms of hers, and her mad dancing skills and beautiful clothing tastes. ..
Everytime (EVERY) I send my skinny five year old off on a playdate after school, he is fed. And when I say 'fed', I am not suggesting that the kids gobble up apples and pretzels and whatevers... I am saying that they visit fastfood houses and come home with BAGS of food. BAGS. I understand, very deeply right now as I eat every carb within 50 feet, that FOOD = love. I do, I get it.
BUT my LORD. The kid came home yesterday with the 'lunch' that they got after school which he didn't eat because, of course, he ate lunch AT SCHOOL... the lunch was one of those lunchable box things... OK, lets talk about the grotesque box o'horror that arrived here.... sounds so innocent, ham and cheese sandwich, jello, cookies, water... I was so pleased to see the water it was almost comical... because silly old me didn't see the small pack of koolaid that one can drop into the only healthy product in the box... neat neat. the amount of packaging alone overwhelmed the bluebox of recycling... the meat was sliced into the shape of a heart. a heart. so cute.
HOW CAN MEAT STAY 'FRESH'? i ask you in seriousness. what the hell IS it? is it even meat? and the cheese was these tiny slices of orange... and then there was jello and some cookies my 3 wouldn't even eat, and he loves loves cookies.
so, after the lunch that he didn't eat, he got supper at mcdonalds. because he NEEDED it.
the grotesquery is all the more grotesque because we live in the city, in a poor part of town, and nobody should be spending that much money on such crap food. seriously, apples are way better all around and i'm just a honky on the corner talking to myself. you dig?
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
17 hours ago
Oye! I am SO with you. The 7 year old came running home from playing across the street the other day to ask if it was ok to have the "snack" the neighbor mom was serving. The "snack" was lollipops. I guess I'm glad she came home to ask my permission...sigh.
I fight this everyday, Kate. We eat pretty healthy stuff, so Helen asked me if we could be less healthy, because no one will trade snacks with her. Don't even get me started on school lunch. Since when did breaded, fried, then frozen, then nuked pieces of questionable chicken served four out of five days a week at her school qualify as healthy. But real food takes time, even more than money, it takes time to prepare. And you have to think ahead, you can't just drive through or open it up. As a woman who spends a significant part of each day involved in some aspect of food production, I have to wonder what Michele Obama would do if she had to prepare three meals a day and snacks for her family, herself. Just a cranky opinion.
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