The boys are up, plugged in to their various flickering light sources... as am I , here at my computer... I've eaten my raisin bran (I've discovered, at age 38, that I prefer Kellogg's... such a joy to have the mystery solved... ), I have plans to get the oil changed as we gear up for our first family road trip down to DC.... oh, the bag I have packed to keep the boys out of trouble. oh. It'll be the best 8 hours (twice) of their lives, and they will be begging for road trips for the rest of their lives... makes me wonder how I ever survived with just a book and a pillow, all those years, all those years...
I know I've gone overboard, but I have a certain amount of dread about the whole thing, I think because I'm not that big a fan of carriding myself... I AM looking forward to seeing the Lincoln Monument again, and staying at a hotel with a pool, and walking the Mall and going to the Smithsonian. Its really going to be awesome, really, maybe in my awe and wonder I'll get back some hope for the country. We've certainly not done ourselves proud in these past years, and I'm mostly speaking of our internal conflicts and legislative decisions. Maybe in my presence there, walking around, not a corporation walking, but just a girl with a family, maybe i'll have some reminding influence on the workers in the very big buildings, that citizens, after all, are actual beings with legs, or with places where legs once were or could be. (hollah, PCorrectness!)
we leave on monday...
God Bless America!
in all her mess and multifaceted glory... may she be ever striving to improve herself...
2 hours ago
all the best on the journey! everytime we embark in a trip longer than 1 hour how I ever survived with just a pillow and books on tape (i.e. tape deck with batteries)
Are you still in DC? I would love to meet you!! I hope you have a great trip and that you pack your own blanket and book. It IS a beautiful city as well as a complicated one. xoxo
Not in DC anymore, PHC... I had my book and forgot my pillow... but it all worked out in the end... :)
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