its not the actual children that do it. I have two lovely boys who frequently amaze me with their individual humors, their very natures, in fact, as different as they are. It is the Existence of them... the presence of them, the intrusion upon my soul. No simple matter for a mother to fix...
My space, my space, where is it? How much tv can small children handle whilst their mother hides in the playroom, rocking herself in the chair? Its amazing how extreme it can be from day to day, and how placid as well. What to do when one half of the keel is missing/hurricane-like? The roll from side to side like some nefarious carnival ride -
Today is not one of the placid ones on my inner ocean, let me just say. The kids are fine, one sleeps and one drones on in front of curious george. they are lovely and probably deserve a less rockabilly mother.
THE WEDDING, by Gurjinder Basran
18 hours ago
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