Saturday, April 25, 2009
Rock and Roll
Posted by Kate Hall at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: aslan, god, mothering, parenting, prayer, quietude, raising boys
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I'm getting mad...
why is it that all these things which were originally designed to help mothers have become the enemy? pacifiers, which soothe babies... evil.
formula... which allow mothers to rest and allow someone else to feed the baby...and are not full of chocolate.... evil.
what?! thats like saying that laundry machines actually make more work for mothers or that dishwashers are evil because you actually have to rinse the dishes first so you're doing twice the work. do we believe that?! crock of shit. CROCK OF SHIT.
pacifiers do not secretly pinch babies while they are falling asleep...siblings do. do we get rid of them or tie them to mother-guilt? no.
formula does not cause babies to hate their mothers or give them autism.... it should be viewed as like a protein drink to get the baby through a tight spot, thats all... gatorade for the newborn...
its not as if you are giving your neonate a can of pepsi.
if we began to see these things as helpful, not necessarily tools for bad mothering, wouldn't life be a whole lot easier for us - and then maybe we could figure out how to breathe during the course of these events and maybe even be more available to the children as a regular human being.... ? maybe we could even rule the world and send someone to power besides hillary.
Posted by Kate Hall at 10:24 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Today is what I've got. . .

Posted by Kate Hall at 10:48 AM 1 comments
Labels: co-sleeping, hearing, money, mothering, prayer
Friday, April 17, 2009

Posted by Kate Hall at 2:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: money
Russell, Russell, he's our man...
It's official, the news has been broadcast. Russell Maret is a bonified genius.
He's listed under design. I wonder if my kid's auction invitation is worth more now? hemm.
Posted by Kate Hall at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
quickie for dinner, and not the exciting kind.
My husband has a wonderful job which is fulfilling and challenging and will eventually even earn him a great salary. (eventually being a rather Key term here as we wait for news on a loan application) However, one of the downfalls to his job is a slight unpredictability of schedule. Frequently he calls and is not coming home for dinner until 6, 7, 8... and its three when he calls. So there. No kids waiting in the windows for Daddy, etc. I think I'd be able to handle it better if hubby were not the primary COOK! in the family. Those three, four o'clock calls just kill me and I spend the next hours madly (and by that I mean, angrily) trying to figure out what food we have, whether I need to pack up and drag the two children to the grocery store or whether i've got enough change in the change jar to make a fried food trip.
tonight was one of those nights .
but ! here is a recipe for the best peanut sauce ever. ever. and you can put it on pasta with all the veggies you have left in your veggie box and/or whatever meat you've got and serve it hot or cold or with a salad or whateva. tonight i was a rockstar. we had carrots with broccoli and spaghetti all slathered in a light and fantastic peanut sauce.
so here it is:
Take the time to slowly mix a
Half cup of Peanut Butter
Half cup of hot water
then add...
2 TB soy
2TB sugar
3 med garlic clove
1 tsp ginger
2 tsp cider vinegar
SERIOUSLY. EXCELLENT... my thanks go to Darcy McConnell, mother of twin three year old boys, about to finish her second year of medical residency... knows what a fast healthy meal has to be. easy, damnit, easy.
Posted by Kate Hall at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
vacation, wooooo hoooooo
okay, should fancies of blue waters, tropical drinks or swaying palms be entering your head- please go there and do not read on...
today is tuesday . one day into a weeklong 'vacation' and I am in a near panic because IKEA's kids room is closed on tuesdays and thank GOD! i checked before we drove an hour to find out in person. but now i am stuck. I was dreaming about ikea last night and leaving the three year old in the playland while i browsed... I've got no money AND am short on energy-burning ideas that don't require my thirtyfour year old self to climb swingsets and junglegyms to retrieve said three year old. but I am willing to drive . and shop and eat. so , what to do...
I've got this assignment from chakra carol that I'm supposed to be working on - those CDs -
and I've got to send her a letter to explain why I can't go any further. Of course, a personal failing. I cannot be a person of love and light for the world, evidently. My sister was driving with me this weekend as we made a mad dash to Maine to visit my grandmother, thinking it was a 'last time' . My sister tried to get me to look a little bit more at that assertion, which is precisely what the CDs try to do. SO- I'm going to make a little detour from the cleaning cleaning cleaning futility, and look at the damn things again. I'd prefer to go to IKEA and use my credit card to pretend everything was just glorious and full of 'clean lines'...
'clean lines' laundry lines
Posted by Kate Hall at 8:18 AM 1 comments
Labels: chakras, mothering, retail therapy
Thursday, April 9, 2009
my brain may in fact be dead
okay, so last time, i was saying how i'm fine with my 'glimpses' of myself. well, bull.
i am wierdly fixated by the new colorations of my kitchen floor. between the pee from children and dogs and the spilled iron-laden apple juice, it is a place of tremendous disgust. It was my intention today to photo lots of things throughout the day so i could show what i did and battle off the sense of doing nothing nothing nothing. and i went through , count em, 8 (that would be EIGHT) batteries looking for one that would actually light up the demonic camera. - never to be found. called my husband in a placid and dangerously quiet hysteria to say that i did not know what to do with the children today and needed ideas. keep in mind that today is the first sunnyand warm day in fucking ever. he is a man who should be on the very edge of his seat, almost at all times.
i took a drive to another mothers house and am very relieved that i did. we had a good and not crazy time with each other and around the kids. but now i'm home. and one is sleeping and the other, smaller one with great need for sleep, is not.
I spend way WAY too much time on cleaning things. someone please tell me why the place still looks like noah's ark after the rains had been going for a week or so...
Posted by Kate Hall at 3:33 PM 1 comments
Labels: anger management, cleaning, mothering
Monday, April 6, 2009
damn feminists
i wonder, if when I was taking my feminisms classes in college, if they had brought in some mothers with young children to talk about their view of feminism, what depth it would have brought to the discussions. Could I possibly have understood? empathized? Stored away the knowledge of a woman's role in the family and been less shocked by my reality? or is it all too dependent on experience? is there no way to learn from others? or- does knowing change the reality? make one more accepting, less fraught with resentment and dismay?
Sunstruck penguin ... There is another blog I've been reading in which the mother of three has just begun to paint again after the youngest hit 2 1/2 . She is excited and happily 'done' with the creation of more children. . . I don't know if we're done, I suspect we may look at that in the next six months or so, I am feeling like maybe i'm finally learning how to handle two... how to fit in another? I've only just seen glimpses of myself these last years and generally speaking, I'm fine in those moments of 'glimpse', fine with myself and who I am. It is the quiet moments in bed before all hell breaks loose (on the days when we even get those..), the moments when I sit in the bathroom at bath time and really look and watch my 3.5 year old sitting nakedly in front of the mirror wearing a helmet and telling me he is a helicopter driver. The helmet completely covers his face and his tiny body is just energy at its most kinetic and static simultaneously. The alighting, a quick passing-by of peace, thats what those moments are for me...
Moments when I can hear the poetry in my husband's thought processes, and truly hear it! over the din of complex resentments and dismally repetitive patterns.
I regularly forget that these moments exist, from minute to minute, I forget.
Posted by Kate Hall at 11:16 AM 0 comments