today i was nearly overcome by a dried hydrangea tumbleweed crossing the road.
gave me pause.
tested math facts for fourth graders. reminds me how much i love and how good i am at the one-on-ones with kids. i am. supahstah.
forgot to go to the library.
made plans to go to the funeral of my lifelong neighbor.
these times, they do change. i wonder where i was all that time?
i'm waiting for the books i've requested to arrive at the library, checking on them doesn't seem to quicken the process.
sometime in the next week i have to buy a turtle creature, and all of its life-sustaining equipment. this, all, for a boy who is turning seven and has kept his interest in a turtle for six whole months. he will still not care for it, and i will be scooping turtle poop for the foreseeable future.
so there.
what i mean, or think i mean, or , am thinking about.
dried hydrangea tumbleweeds. how fantastical.
having a job wouldn't be as good as helping out, i know this.
library schmibrary.
ahg. funerals, i got through most of my life without any true understanding of death. lucky me. but where was the 'I' that i have now? was it just tucked away behind the cupboard door? how is it that i am able to meet most of my fears on a daily basis and yet i am so overcome so regularly? what does this portend? how do i get out of this warren?
library schmibrary.
a birthday, a birthday. how i wish it were farther from christmas. but how lovely that the boy is so excited by a turtle, how lovely. i'm purposefully getting a vegetarian tortoise to keep myself from having mealworms anywhere near my person.
and, so there, again.
How We Learn to Be Brave, by Mariann Edgar Budde
18 hours ago
Supastah indeed.
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