'the waves' by woolf has such a wonderful rhythm and it is fairly miraculous that such a thing can exist in print and while i am no woolf, i am here to suggest the comings and goings of the surf are guiding my inconsistencies.
i am a creature of my discontents.
the library has 'holiday hours' which make me consider breaking and entering. this is the constriction of my blood vessels and the panic of planning for new year's eve. why cannot we all just light candles and go to bed when it gets dark, feeling relief and gratitude for what is now officially past? ah. i am in process of tightening, loosening, a periscope up and down, a kid's hands on an invisible spyglass, constriction, expansion, constriction, expansion.
its been a strange and difficult holiday season, but the ending has been larger than expected, though still to come, so we will see.
the tortoise needs his kale.
my thoughts have been so big, universal even, and then will focus down to such a minute specific ... cardinals! kale! it is enough to dizzy.
my sister rejects the word 'resolution', feeling that it contains failure. i would just like to understand my own thought process, write some more here, or somewhere, and have more fun. and i think, to me, that the 'fun' necessitates finding more places to feel and be authentic. there is just too much show in the world and i certainly do not need to add to it.
the minute and the universal are sort of indistinguishable, you dig? and what does that do for us?
oye. i have no idea. but i'm off to pirouette through a foggy wood.
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
17 hours ago
i know! when I finally have time to go to the library. It's shut! imagine! they want a day off at christmas!!
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