We had a great time, so much better than I could have hoped... the boys did well, the drive down and the time in Virginia and DC were awesome and overwhelming. It is easy to forget when away, that Washington, DC is so grand and so monstrous. How many memorials to the dead can one see with a light heart? turns out, none. By the time I was walking towards the Vietnam Memorial (which HubsJ particularly needed to see) I was sobbing in that ridiculously ugly hysterical way that is nothing but embarassing. You would think I were a soldier's wife. you would. I blame it on the hormones, man. I am currently sailing into the 2nd trimester, folks. yep. So imagine, if you will, a 'fat' bundled woman with blotchy, swollen face, trying to corral two young boys into some semblance of public demeanor while panting slightly and choking back fears of death and such sorrow for all the loss and lament in the air of a place like this... I could hardly handle it and just kept walking... just keep walking....
Let it be said, we did a lot of walking.
and also, let it be said, I'm raising my boys as Quakers, and they will never ever be on a wall like that. If they chose to go that way, I will hogtie them and take them to a remote cabin somewhere in Canada and perhaps I will gouge their eyes out to keep them from that sort of harm . And of course, I know this is for me, and not for them... and if I have to deal with this at a later time, I will probably be more sensible. but not less devastated.
Let it be said, I will do more walking.
and I am glad to be home, the boys have gotten fresh haircuts, thanks to the handy clippers in the bathroom, and today I get to seek out Chakra Carol and her reiki administrations. So there will be motion, and it will ride on the back of all this walking. I am hopeful, and I am glad to be out of DC but I am carrying a different load today ...
and a new re-found love of Lincoln. Good lord, could we get more of his type involved in leading our country please?! holy smokes. go read something he said, for heaven's sakes, go.
How We Learn to Be Brave, by Mariann Edgar Budde
19 hours ago
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."-Lincoln
we need Lincoln types up here too!
WHAT!!!! Did I read that correctly? A bundle? I am sending hugs, love, joy and a visual of me jumping up and down! Yay!
!!!!!!!! You little minx!!!! Super duper happy and excited for you and yours!
yep, amy, a big ME TOO... and jen, i'm jumping too, well, sort of slouching and panting, but glad, very glad... :)
That's wonderful news.
A baby???? I haven't been here to visit you in ages and you manage to go ahead and get yourself knocked up?!?! Many congrats. Sincerely. In a better you than me kind of way ;)
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