Its that Five Minute Friday again. You write, five minutes, and you post. and you share, and link...
Today, oddly enough, I suppose, is all about the dying of the Light. Its the day Christians shuffle off our sanctimonious, flick away the false humilities. I have to deal with the fact of the death. And, the choice of death, to die intentionally, to walk into the flames without all the faith you need, but really just the amount of faith you need. I want to spend my time with flowerblossoms and bunnies, but the only way they exist is in the composted soils and generations upon generations, made up of what has died. Today is the day of darkness, when the Light has gone and we look around, lost. we have our own deaths to deal with, the dying of our own lies that we've been relying on... we've all got them, christian, faithful, or none of that. we all have the deceptions we have made true.
The Quakers spend a lot of time looking for the Light, and I am very much looking forward to Meeting this Easter Sunday, when I can put aside my own darknesses and get astonished by the Light once again.
Cilantro Pesto
1 day ago
getting astonished, that is very great purpose for a holiday
I love to read posts that string together words into loveliness. ("shuffle off our sanctimonious, flick away the false humilities"). A pleasure to read you today...
thanks Stacie. and yeah, MoG, it is a very great purpose. wish we could bottle up some glorious astonishment, so we could get it when we needed it...
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