I'm on my way to the opposite end of the world from the hippy farm life, grey hair in a bun, straightforward looks, intense focus. I'm goin' to Brooklyn, baby. home of the 'fuggedaboutit', the pizza slice, the occasional anarchist stronghold, the wealthy student/struggling artist wannabe, the ghetto, the yelling on the street at night, the best and worst smells in the world... ... try and stop me.
my mom and i are hopping a train to see my brother. my sister, businesswoman, is already there, so we'll meet her for dinnah after her work is done. my brother is a suburban boy at heart- don't tell him i said that- so he is driving us around town. the most walkable city in the world can in fact, be driven. who knew?
its the longest i've been away from the babe. i'm quite upset already and i haven't even left. didn't sleep well last night, trying to stay in the moment but failing with wild abandon. oldest boy is off to a retreat for the youth of Quaker Meeting so its HubsJ with babe and the Six Year Old ... ah. home will be fine, but I'm just pbbbt.
Its going to be sad, i think, although i might get to walk the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, so I'll have a real tree to look at ... but sad, nonetheless.
I'll be glad to see my brother's place, its new to him and I'd like to see where he's going to keep growing up that cutie little kid he has. We'll even see Vanessa Williams, who at this point is like a frozen yogurt shop, she's everywhere... so, yeah, it'll be fine, i just can't work myself up to get excited about it. i want to stay home. like, as in, rock hiding. let me putter around, following the 18 month old from grape hyacinth to birdbath, to picnic table and so on and so forth.
for mother's day dinner? ! PIZZA!!! because i love it! and it will signal my triumphant survival of the weekend.
Take it easy, see you when i'm done guzzling the slices...
How We Learn to Be Brave, by Mariann Edgar Budde
19 hours ago
Brooklyn! My heart. It is a perfect place to be sad and happy at once. Have a great time!
so, did Brooklyn happen yet? looking forward to your post from that adventure!
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