mind you, this is not all of it, this is just the trim bureau drawer and This is just what is still in the trunk of the car... and there is a third drawer under this one...
did I say THIRD?!and I haven't even TOUCHED the fabric yet. NOT EVEN TOUCHED.
holy hell. I might not make it out alive.
I wish I could tell you what one would do with bias tape... but I can't... or 10,000 zippers... but no.
OMG I know what you can do with it all ...
Awesome! I've got a million things I could slap some bias tape on. We should have a crafting night. I'll lock the kids in the basement.
okay. what does that even mean- slap bias tape on?. Does it stick? seriously. it doesn't stick, right?
Nope. It doesn't stick and you can't really slap it on. Bias tape is a bit of a misnomer. It's used to finish off edges but you have to sew it. I made a fleece wrap dress for Vivi and used bias tape as trim. It was a way to finish the raw edge without having to do a hem. And I hate hemming.
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