We finally have some. seriously. it is mid-january and we got our first snow at the new digs and it is probably less than two inches but I am going to keep everybody home so we can pretend its a really big storm. I may regret this, its true... but right now, while they are all still asleep, i have visions of popcorn and hot chocolate and tracking footprints through the yard... what IS out there all night? lets feed the birds, now that there is finally snow... lets throw seed to the wind! maybe i can finally carry the christmas tree to the back and we can slather IT with peanutbutter and seed balls? oh bliss... in the quiet pre-dawn light, today could be really cool....
(i know there is a wide range of 'average' snowfall, but if I am wicked excited about an inch and a half of snow, it is a little bit spooky...)
Happy SNOW DAY!!!
3 hours ago
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