Twas the night before Christmas eve and all through the house, vomit was flowing and it was not nice. There as explosive diarhea and more to be seen, from kids and their mother, a once great queen. Daddy was sleeping it off once again, at least until mummy done hit the freakin' fan. We all made it through, minds and marriage intact.
I'm not sure that rhyming is really what i am best suited for, so i am stopping. We did all get terribly, grotesquely sick and we are all better now. And presents with a three year old is a real REAL trip, though by the end of the day I could have tossed him out with the trash. (understandable behavior, but my god, terror of mine, that child) Christmas morning was reallyreally fun to watch and conversations about how Santa came in from the chimney and how C. had seen him but he'd had a green jacket on, not red.... stuff I'll talk about when I'm older and more sentimental. but not now anymore. . .
hope everyone else had a good time. off for more recuperative sleeping. . .
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
5 hours ago
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