Spring is here. There are daffodils and crocus all around, the lilacs are a-bud. A nearest and dearest has a completely unremarkable brain, according to an MRI. We love unremarkable, even while still full of questions. . . we love unremarkable. love it. LOVE.
Love, too, is in the air. The morning doves in the backyard are downright aggressive in their chase. The squirrel's tails are embarrassing in their friskyflirty. . .
We are climbing things, things that last year were out of reach. all of us. HubsJ can see the end of his crazybusy time, and we are looking through spring into the summer already. The town to which we are going to move has a town beach. !glimmers ahoy! beach! fairydust fairydust sis boom bah!
We know that we are moving, we are doing house inspections, box-planning, move-help begging...
There is a place for a friend of old to stay for a whole month with her lovey child, if she will...
There are things known, and to be known... and chocolate and sundresses are among them. hallelujah.
How We Learn to Be Brave, by Mariann Edgar Budde
19 hours ago
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