I feel loose and lost all at once. Fine, no big thing, just a swing of the mood, an exhaustion flitting about the room.
Maybe its the lull in the waiting season, the atrocious behaviour of the boys... who is responsible for this?
so ugly, that one.
oh so ugly, that one.
mothers do the best number on themselves EVER. and I am champion of numbers. champion.
I am trying to throw it off but am currently in wallow and cry mode. Throwing is harder than carrying, sometimes, I have heard.
so I am here. still.
How We Learn to Be Brave, by Mariann Edgar Budde
19 hours ago
I cry, it lets things go. I think we should cry this time of year. To me it sort of softens the soil for next years growth... and yes I am some what crazy so feel free to ignore this. I'm stuck in a big project knitting two sets of the three kings, but your yarn is calling to me...Oh Noel, come on , how much time would it take to at least wind me into a ball...
thanks noel. . . go jump on that yarn... make it a lunchbreak project! balls! (entendre included)
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