When i was in my twenties I was in a bible study group that met once a week, it was an Episcopalian thing called EFM, Education for Ministry. It was roughly four years long but I made it through two years, and a bit, before I up and married. Anyhow, I loved it, loved the variety of the people in the group, the changeability of the personalities and the solid read of the Bible that I got. I learned to look to the Bible on an almost spontaneous basis, as a reference point, daily meditation type thing. Several of the people in the group have now died, from age and poor health, some have divorced, re-married, moved to far flung locales. But it still is one of my most favorite groups in life.
Its been a long time since I've read the Bible that way. I picked up the Gift from the Sea yesterday, after a long week/time of marital strife, and I read about 'intermittency'...
hold on, let me go get the book, so I can authentically reproduce her words. . .
"The only real security is not in owning or possessing, not in demanding or expecting, not in hoping, even.
Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what it was in nostalgia, nor forward to what it might be in dread or anticipation, but living in the present relationship and accepting it as it is now. For relationships, too, must be like islands. One must accept them for what they are here and now, within their limits-islands, surrounded and interrupted by the sea, continually visited and abandoned by the tides. One must accept the security of the winged life, of ebb and flow, of intermittency."
in other words, ride the good AND the bad, stick with it, hang in there... there's always an upswing to the pendulum, as long as its moving. . .
funny what the universe gives when you look around, aye?
*edit, the connection between Bible and current book may just be method... but that was my point and i didn't actually spell that out... felt wierd upon second read... hence, edit #3? ... i should probably pick up the Heavy again, but will go with the flow i am in...
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
6 hours ago
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