This refrain, 'Dude. I hear you.' is one that I very Very regularly use in my mothering patterns. Whether it be to the three year old who is perseverating about lions or the five year old who is telling me some very fabricated story about werewolves and their skill sets, I find it to be applicable and when said with something approaching sincerity, it is even, dare i say? suitable. yes, wildly suitable.
I don't have to pet their egos about their stories, their lions, their whathaveyous, I just have to truthfully let them know that I am their witness to whatever sort of wackyness they are experiencing RIGHT NOW.
and yes, there is a WILD TON of irony in the fact that I say this all the time.. and sometimes I think WISDOM rears up its hairy head and smacks you with an iron.
so you sit down and try meditating again, drinking your teas with honey and sucking down the vitamins... and facing tomorrow with all the faith that one can muster for the sunrise.
Thai Peanut Chicken Bowls
1 day ago
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