we're home today, all day... we WERE going to go out, spur of the moment, to an ikea with a ball pit and free babysitting... i need a new wallclock that teaches time... but then discovered that the wallet had been mislaid. And by mislaid, i mean that the 6 was having a fit last night and was seen by his father with said wallet heading out into the house... and the 4 this morning told me the wallet was in the trash. These tales were discovered after a panicked call to the HubsJ to assess situation before cancelling all the cards and applying anew for health insurance cards, social, etc. and all that. all that has left me all weepy on the inside and convinced that in fact this whole situation IS A TRAP, and I cannot get out from under the 'doing for others' ... and today it is not feeling that good.
I suppose you could check in tomorrow and all will be well. I'm looking forward to that too. Maybe I'll even have a list.
whine whine snuffle.
*- the wallet was found BEFORE the trash was searched, randomly placed on a chair in a hallway. . . cash intact. little punks.
sometimes what is more difficult is not the parenting constantly, or the hardworking marriage or the isolation of being a stayathomer... its the combination of them all and the utterly unceasing nature of it all.
I have lots of moments of bliss, and a husband who is really actively involved with the kids and the marriage. but today, i am tired, and the healthy food and tea are not cutting it away from me just yet.
hanging in...
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
18 hours ago
hold. hold. hold.
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