In the past week we have lost a disc of DuckTales, which will cost me and my friend Netflix a lot of money... and the kids never even got to watch it as it was pilfered from its nifty envelope by sticky fingers #4 and G-d knows where it is now, but it has been looked for and declared 'lost'. I haven't told Netflix yet, I hate disapproval and fear I will sense it through these internets.
In a larger realm, it doesn't even matter, because we have ALSO lost the clicker which operates the dvd player. And I have looked. AND I'm talking, every chair has a clean underpinning, the rugs were lifted for the dvd search.. even the toy bins have been emptied, bitch. I checked the fridge, eyep, and all the trashcans and the bathroom cabinets, and the boys beds were stripped in the search... All I can figure is that it got recycled or pilfered by that sticky bastard #4. (in yesterday and today's childrearing episodes I have the feeling that my kids are out to get me and are busy turning themselves into hoodlums. I recognize that this is MY perspective and that i am SKEWED this week, waiting around for some sort of change... and that they are just regular old kids busy exploring all the things of the world. i love them, don't think they are liars or bastards most of the time... sometimes i think they are very thick brickladen children, other times they are brilliant stars of the galaxy... such is motherme.) We have also lost a Mario DS chiplet thing, the camera temporarily, multiple measuring tapes, oil pastels, and my marbles. (no pun. just insane.)The temporary loss of the wallet yesterday made me itch.
I lost my opportunity to go to a cool meeting nearby, because I didn't act on finding childcare. I just didn't take action. what is that?
I COULD have gone out yesterday without the wallet, would have been fine. What is that?
And what has been found? not much.
I sat in meditation today and found my brain running through places to look for things... the normally staid and aloof cats were downright whorish in their need for my attention at that moment and I could not look away from that opportunity... so I tried to sit again after they had their way with me... same list of lookspots. . . I'm thinking that maybe I'm searching for the wrong things lately, and its niggling at my spirit. what to do with that though?
I'm going to read today, and clean, and do some writing.. and that is all I can do today. what will i find?
**! GAH!! found a karate outfit thats been missing for TWO weeks. !! aha!! whats next?!!
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
19 hours ago
the g.d mittens...
the g.d shoes...
the g.d socks...without mates...
the library books...
will they ever be reunited with me, with each other?...
I squirmed today as I waited in the cold for my daughter at school, knowing that the other woman waiting nearby was noticing my son was wearing mismatched socks on his hands.
ha!! i hear that... and i appreciate sock mittens very very much... i don't even go to the library anymore- scared of the librarian and her looks... damn books. :)
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