Thursday, January 21, 2010

questions about blogging and randomness

so. if i comment on my own blog, to answer comments from other people... does it automatically go to them - or - is there a way I can email them? how ?

and how often do you check your blogs ? i'm getting a bit obsessive and have to counsel myself out of leaving the kids in front of boobytube all day. sort of. i miss me some athena, but can't get to her anymore.

my kids might get stupid from all this tv, but at least they'll be cute.

ha. (that was said with extreme bitterness as day four of the two year old waking for 2-3 hours in the middle of the night proceedes..)

although today we spent the morning at the best kids museum ever, and if you live in new england with at least a couple kids under 10, you should make an effort to get here: children's museum in easton, ma...

we get there every couple months and every time I walk in I say something to myself like: why the hell aren't i coming here every week? its six bucks to get in per person and everything is geared towards smaller kids and they have an entire room just for art and one just for hammering things. (real hammers. wood. nails. hoo . boy. )

i'm feeling very frustrated by the world these days, both within my walls and without. i happen to be on the lefthand side of things politically but am feeling more and more defeated by big money and big corporations and small ideas. i don't blame any party really, i think the ideas about 'pulling oneself up by one's own bootstraps' are outmoded and used by people who got help all along the way... and trickle down don't work here. not that i can see.

why aren't any new businesses opening? the only things opening are fastfood places and coffee shops...
guess which wealthy people shop there? thats right. no trickle. maybe when whole foods gets a drive-thru...
oh boy.


Viv said...

If the person who left the comment has enabled their email, you can reply via email. Try clicking reply to my comment, and you'll see my email pop up instead of the 'no-reply' message. I check my email 1000 times a day, FB too, but then, it is my 'job' to be available to answer my husband's English questions at all times of the day and night. I just leave my browser open to my email and/or FB and when I walk by, I glance to see if something has popped up that I either need or want to give my attention to.

amyontheroad said...

i'm guilty of obsessively checking, too.
and i miss athena. please, please, please don't follow suit and make your blog private!

Amanda said...

Next time you go to the Easton Children's Museum, GIVE A SHOUT and I will meet you there. With a flask.

Amateur Author said...

do you use gmail? There is a google reader you can put on your i-google page and it lists all of the blogs you've added to your reader when they are updated.

Kate Hall said...

Just- The blogger dashboard does the same thing for me but as what the googlething does, i think. i make sure to 'follow' regularly but wondered how people communicate persontoperson and so on...

Jen said...

Okay, I'm back and totally high on Oxycodone. With that said, I have missed checking my blog and email desperately. Sometimes I feel like it's my source to the outside world. I miss Athena too. The Narcissist in my thought perhaps it was something I said in some comment that made her go private.

And btw, according to Sesame Street, tv is what made our generation so smart. So don't worry about your kids. They're gonna be fine.