I spent the afternoon with my boys looking up Beatles songs on youtube. Yesterday my four year old pooped in his pants because he could not leave the PBS kids video games long enough to listen to his body. This is a game that goes slower than molasses and does not move if you are not there. He is not playing video games again until he is 12.
i ate an onion that had slowroasted under a chicken this weekend. I still have Julie Andrews in my life! The Beatles sang that they wanted to hold my hand.
I have joy in my life (lest I forget).
I spent my 'shopping' time yesterday buying myself a quilting class. HOLY MOLY. Someone will actually teach me to do this 'correctly' and perhaps the things I make will stay made?! holy. And I signed up for a crafter's swap at UrbanCraft because of social pressure. (Hives!) so now I am on track to have to make something. have to. make. I'm hoping it will be my spur.
how can we not all still be shaking and jumping for the Beatles, every day? I will scream for them, those boys that were, in my dreams.
how simple...
these toys are sort of scary looking but really, its what i had... not scary, just found. maybe they're whispering?...
oh. thought i might be that *joy*. disappointment. (oh, and my name is actually joy, so now it makes sense. kind of.)
HIP HIP HOORAY! I am so excited that you are participating. Seriously, I am giddy. I have to admit I've been freaking out a bit that I got myself into this but.....I'm in it now. Good job. Can't wait to hear and see what you come up with. And congrats on the quilt class. I'm totally impressed.
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