I'm sorry to begin like that, but I do feel that all the focus these days, on the office of the president, is just ludicrous. We are not children of the fifties anymore! We do not think he is a Superman, just a man, and a crazy/self-important one at that, probably, to want to hold this office of leader in chief, to be held responsible for the actions that take place in and because of our gigantic country. And while the oil company is literally destroying the world, the press is digging their nails into the skin of the President? because the rules were too lax? because he is not fixing it fast enough?!
It is a sad waste of our time. It is all a waste of our time, because the oil is still spilling.
I fear that the press corp are showing their age. They are clearly not my generation, not my countrymen in the sense of shared patriotisms. I do not expect the President to fix the world. I don't, nor do I think there is a vast conspiracy to oust/support the blackman in the oval office. Its not the Jews doing it, either, not in Hollywood, New York or Israel. They've got enough problems. I voted for him because he would change politics as usual, and he did. we are in a different direction pointed, for better or worse, and meanwhile, the oceans are literally being destroyed. literally.
And maybe, it will prove that I am hysterical, completely wrong about next year's swimmability. Hallelujah if I am. We should all be sobbing for what is lost. all of us.
This post is lameduck, lacking wit, free of intellect and spot on. I am so sorry.
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
5 hours ago
Right on, Sistah!
no lame duck or lack of intellect here. Just sensibleness.
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