last night: the kids are downstairs watching 'Harry and the Hendersons', which is a lovely thing. Last night's special was Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier, the man being rather openhanded with his fair and honest policies... except with the wild animals.
oh .
the headache rages and I don't really get where it came from or why ibuprofen just knocks it down and then it comes back. I think it has something to do with the light of November and the weird warmth we have going on today. I was outside without a coat, in New England, in the middle of November. I should have caught pneumonia. (maybe i did and the headache?... no. .. .)
this morning: three excedrin and i'm still walking around like a zombie. hubsJ is a good man but likes to pick on me when I am defenseless and it makes me simmer because i'm too zombied to cut his balls off.
but eventually, this headache will go away and then there will be an ambush.
- i am clearly okay enough to be at the computer, and to be prepping the house for the afternoon's playdate, which we've all been looking forward to all week. headache be damned. there is even an unopened bottle of excedrin for me to pop, if need be...
looks like need will be.
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
21 hours ago
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