So the holiday, the big one, the food one, the Americanblitzkrieg of binges is coming...
ah. the best one, the warm one, the sleepy one, the smell-full one...
oh. i love it.
we are in planning stages and we are hosting the grandparents and the aunt and uncle of one side and we are in need of plates, and chairs and space but we will be just grand. I have no cable still so we will miss the parade and the sporting and that is sad but easily forgotten, as it is every year. I wish the performers well and warm. . .
AH. One grandmother makes sides, one makes pies. Turkey, potatoes, gravy, cranberry relish, bread, and we are full of appetizers here. simple but my god, MY GOD.
It is the happiest day of my year.
As a child, we were with our extended family for a gigantic free-for-all every year and this year, we are small and 'just-us'ing, and the change will be large for me, and I will still be happy and warm and my fatness will spread throughout the land...
So, every day until then I wish you a happy, warm and well-fed day. canadians, i wish you a happy warm day every day since yours. i know these things work in reverse as well, with a little perspective.
How We Learn to Be Brave, by Mariann Edgar Budde
19 hours ago
Your Thanksgiving sounds divine. My parents are hosting this year and we are having gourmet turkey burgers. Interesting. I can't decide what to think but I will think of you on Thanksgiving and envy your menu. Only 11 days away.
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