i called my sister last night --after digging an old cigarette out of the ashtray (of Grammie's car!! the horror...), hiding on the front porch while my kids screamed inside, inches from my crappy ears on the other side of the door. there is something about the changing of the clocks and the quality of the light that are combining to make the 4-6 pm hours a wierd and wild version of mommyhell.
there was also the parent-teacher conference, the wildly expensive soup-buying extravaganza at the grocery store. one would think they were predicting a blizzard.. but no, just the flu. we will succumb soon i am sure but are currently fighting the good fight of health. i hadn't even gorged on candy and yet I was COMPLETELY LIVID that my husband had finished off the last beer the night before and I could not complete my picture of wild mother insanity on the porch by throwing a bottle into the street. I could have thrown a vase but it would have been soooo suburban of me.
can't have that.
anyhow. god bless my sister. she takes my calls. i love that about her. :)
Slow Horses, by Mick Herron
5 hours ago
"I was COMPLETELY LIVID that my husband had finished off the last beer the night before and I could not complete my picture of wild mother insanity on the porch by throwing a bottle into the street."
i LOVE this. If I was your neighbor I would crawl over your porch railing at that moment and offer you a swig of my flask, then retreat home to my own screaming children.
If you had thrown one of those super over-priced organic milk glass bottles from Whole Foods, it would have been so East Side. :-)
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