ack! the onitons: tablespoon or so of minced ginger, same of minced garlic... i just used heaping amts, not really measured... in a bowl with peeled pearl onions and some sesame oil - can use peanut oil too but I didn't have any. Then you roast them. AH JOY! when they are done, 15-20 minutes depending on your heat - I think we were at 420 but we had a bunch of stuff to roast so it cooled and slowed us down...
when they're done, drizzle with soy, toss and eat. oh dearie. bliss.
and i'm reading Shalimar the Clown by s. Rushdie... I don't know where its going to go but so far, I'm skimming the too much talk parts and rushing to the action. Its well written but I think with the advent of motherhood or maybe just adulthood, I don't have the patience for long narrative descriptions. I'm almost a knights and dragons type girl at this point. But I also have Olive Kittredge waiting on the stand and when I was flying around to Wisconsin at the beginning of this month or maybe last month, it was, i think . geez, pam. anyhow. when i was flying around, every single flight had some interesting looking woman on it, reading Olive Kittredge. we'll see. In the past three days I've/we've gotten the four year old to go to sleep in his own bed.
i know, get yourselves to your knees! holy miracle of miracles.
sorry this post is like a bad email but i almost forgot!
also, soon i plan to take a pen and paper and write down all the titles everyone gave me a while back and make a whole expedition out of shopping them... soon , jaguar, soon.
THE WEDDING, by Gurjinder Basran
19 hours ago
motherhood has killed my attention plan. Nursing amplified this effect, fwiw.
what does fwiw mean?
for what it's worth.
and obviously I meant "span", as though I ever had a plan for my attention.
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